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What Is Loud Budgeting?

The era of quietly managing budgets and financial objectives, while accruing debt on unnecessary purchases, has ended. Introduced by Lukas Battle on TikTok towards the close of 2023, loud budgeting has quickly emerged as the standout budgeting movement of 2024. This approach involves openly declining experiences or expenditures that don’t align with your financial aims. Overall, it encourages people to shift towards more transparent and goal-focused financial management.


The Basics of Loud Budgeting


Replying to @operelly LOUD BUDGETING IS THE NEW 2024 trend

♬ original sound – Lukas Battle

Video by Lukas Battle on TikTok.

Loud budgeting is all about saving cash by saying no to things like dinners out or big trips if they’re going to mess with your budget, and being upfront with your buddies about why you’re sitting this one out.

It’s tough to skip out on a fun brunch or a group trip that everyone says will be epic when you’re trying to watch your wallet. Often, you feel stuck saying yes, even if it means your bank account takes a hit.

But loud budgeting? It’s here to help us feel okay about being honest with our friends about keeping our finances in check.


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How It Differs from Traditional Budgeting?


3 ways to be smarter with your money. Financial literacy is sexy!!! #loudbudgeting #loudbudgetingtips #financialliteracy #money #personalfinanceforbeginners #wealth #debtfree

♬ original sound – jenny park

Video by Jenny Park on TikTok.

The big difference between loud budgeting and the usual way of budgeting is all about how much you chat about it. Normally, people or families might quietly make a budget and set goals, not really talking much about what’s coming in or going out. But with loud budgeting, it’s all out in the open. Everyone’s chatting regularly about money goals, hurdles, and wins, making sure the whole gang is clued in and pitching in on the money plan. 

Also, while old-school budgeting tends to just react when money problems pop up, loud budgeting is all about staying ahead of the game with ongoing talks that help dodge financial curveballs and plan smarter with your cash.


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Key Principles of Loud Budgeting


Part 2 | Watch my video to see 3 steps to loud budget this year! Follow @_call_to_leap for investing videos! Follow me @_call_to_leap to learn more things like this about money! @_call_to_leap @_call_to_leap

♬ original sound – Call to Leap

Video by Call to Leap on TikTok.

Loud budgeting stands on a few key ideas that make it different from the usual way we handle money. It’s all about creating a vibe where everyone’s open and working together on getting their finances in good shape, whether that’s with family or housemates.


Transparency in Financial Matters

At the heart of loud budgeting is being super clear about money talks. It’s all about being honest about everything money-related – how much you make, what you owe, what you’re saving, and what you’re spending. Being this open helps clear up any confusion about finances, making it simple for everyone to get the full picture. It nudges family members to really think about their own money moves and work together more closely on making smart financial decisions.


Active Communication About Spending

Loud budgeting is all about keeping the money talks going, instead of deciding on spending all by yourself. It means having regular chats about what you’re aiming for money-wise, what you’re planning to spend on soon, and any money problems that might pop up. Talking it out like this helps everyone get on the same page with their money goals, work out budgets that actually make sense, and figure out where to give a little. Plus, it’s a great chance to teach the younger folks in the family about handling money wisely, setting them up for handling their own cash down the line.


Incorporating Technology

Tech is a game-changer when it comes to large budgeting. There are tons of apps and online tools out there that can keep track of your spending, help you set budget goals, and let you share your financial deets safely with your family or crew. These gadgets keep everyone in the loop and chatting about money by updating in real time. Think about budgeting apps where the whole family can pitch in and see where the money’s going, or tools that nudge you about how much you’re spending or when bills need to be paid. Tech really makes the whole loud budgeting thing a lot smoother.


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Benefits of Loud Budgeting


talking about bread 💸 while making bread 🍞 money genz personalfinance financialresponsibility financialliteracy financialeducation finance101

♬ original sound – lillian 🍓

Video by Lillian on TikTok.

Loud budgeting not only transforms the approach to managing finances but also brings a host of benefits that contribute to a healthier financial and familial ecosystem.


Enhanced Financial Awareness

Loud budgeting ramps up everyone’s money smarts in the house. Chatting openly about budgets, what’s being spent, and planning cash moves gets everyone thinking more about how they spend and save. This boost in awareness means people make smarter choices with their money, dialing down on those spur-of-the-moment buys and getting everyone into the habit of saving. Plus, when everyone’s clued in on the family’s financial vibe, it pulls the team together to handle money better as a unit.


Improved Financial Goals Alignment

A big win with loud budgeting is how it gets everyone in the family or household to line up on money goals. Be it saving up for a cool family trip, tucking away cash for school, or getting ready for retirement, loud budgeting invites everyone to throw in their two cents. This group effort makes sure the money goals really cover what everyone wants and needs. So, with everyone rowing in the same direction, hitting those goals as a team becomes a whole lot smoother.


Strengthening Relationships

Talking about money openly can really boost the bonds in a family or household. Loud budgeting opens up a chill zone for tackling what’s usually a touchy subject, cutting down on the stress and mix-ups that money issues can bring. It’s all about being clear and chatting freely, which not only eases money worries but also builds deeper trust and connection. When everyone gets to voice their money worries and dreams without holding back, it creates a vibe of backing each other up, making the family ties stronger through the ups and downs together.


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Implementing Loud Budgeting in Your Life


Loud budgeting!! Over consumption and overspending is out in 2024 #loudbudgeting #budget #moneytoks #budgeting #postgrad #save

♬ original sound – emma | budget content

Video by Emma on TikTok.

Adopting a loud budgeting approach can fundamentally change how you and your family handle finances, promoting a healthier and more transparent financial environment. Here’s how to start incorporating loud budgeting into your life:


Starting Conversations About Finances

Starting conversations about money can seem daunting, yet it’s essential for effective loud budgeting. To make these chats more productive, consider these strategies: Find a calm moment when no one’s distracted by other things to bring up finances. Be transparent about your own money situation, sharing your wins and challenges. Make sure everyone feels safe to ask questions and share their thoughts. Lastly, work together to decide on financial goals that you all care about, turning it into a team project instead of leaving anyone to figure it out alone. This approach not only eases into the conversation but also strengthens the collective resolve to meet these goals.


Setting Up a Loud Budgeting System

After getting everyone on board with talking about money, the next move is setting up a system that fits all. Here’s how to go about it: Plan regular family meetings to go over the budget, see how you’re doing with your financial goals, and tweak the budget if you need to. Give each person a job, like keeping an eye on specific spending or finding smart ways to save. Then, put your budget somewhere everyone can see it—like on a whiteboard, a shared spreadsheet, or a budgeting app. This way, your budget is out there for all to see and add to, truly bringing the concept of “loud” budgeting to life.


Tools and Resources

When it comes to supporting your loud budgeting efforts, there are plenty of tools and resources out there to make tracking, discussing, and managing your money together a breeze:


Budgeting Apps

There are a lot of budgeting apps out there like You Need a Budget or Pocket Guard. They’re great for keeping an eye on your spending, setting financial targets, and seeing how you’re doing. Plus, many of them let multiple people use the account, so the whole family can get involved.


Financial Planning Software

If you’re looking for something with a bit more oomph, software like Quicken can give you the full package with budgeting, tracking your investments, and planning out your finances in detail.


Online Calendars

Don’t underestimate the power of an online calendar. They’re perfect for lining up those budget meetings, reminding you about upcoming bills, or marking down when you hit financial goals. It’s an easy way to make sure everyone’s in the loop and pulling in the same direction.


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Challenges and Considerations



#stitch with @Experian UK a few months on… is loud budgeting working for you? #loudbudgeting #loudbudgetingtips

♬ original sound – Juno

Video by Juno on TikTok.

While loud budgeting offers numerous benefits, implementing it involves navigating certain challenges and considerations to ensure it effectively meets the needs of all involved.

Privacy Concerns

Navigating the delicate balance between transparency and privacy is a significant aspect of loud budgeting. To address privacy concerns, it’s crucial to establish guidelines that respect each person’s comfort levels with disclosing financial information. Strategies include setting aside specific times and safe environments for discussing finances, ensuring that everyone feels supported and heard. Additionally, adopting a policy of selective sharing helps maintain comfort by distinguishing between what financial information is discussed openly and what remains private. Moreover, promoting the idea of voluntary disclosure empowers individuals to share financial details at their own discretion, fostering an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect within the group.

Balancing Individual and Collective Needs

Balancing individual financial needs with the group’s collective goals presents another layer of complexity in loud budgeting. To navigate this, engaging in open conversations about personal needs and common objectives is essential, identifying overlaps and areas for compromise. Together, decide on the most crucial goals and distribute resources to address vital personal needs while still moving towards joint ambitions. It’s also important to stay adaptable, acknowledging that financial circumstances and priorities can shift over time. Regularly revisiting and tweaking the budgeting plan to match the current situation ensures that everyone’s needs and goals are appropriately catered to.

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Loud budgeting transforms financial management through transparency and collective participation. While it presents challenges like privacy concerns and balancing diverse needs, its benefits—enhanced financial awareness, goal alignment, and strengthened relationships—make it a compelling approach for those seeking a more inclusive and effective way to manage finances together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can loud budgeting help with saving money?

Yes, by fostering open conversations about spending habits and financial goals, loud budgeting can help identify unnecessary expenses, encourage saving, and ensure all family members contribute to financial objectives.

What tools can assist with loud budgeting?

Various apps and online tools designed for budgeting and expense tracking can facilitate loud budgeting. These tools allow for shared access among family members, enabling everyone to view, contribute to, and monitor the budget and financial goals collectively.


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